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Naimuz Saadat

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Naimuz-Saadat-Profile-PhotoHey there, I am Naimuz Saadat. People call me Niloy. I am currently an undergrad student studying Finance and Banking. I like to watch movies, tv shows and contemplate critical topics after reading up on them or watching them.

I have been a content writer for the past 2 years which has helped me gain the ability to do extensive research on any given topic.

And to align with my career and academics, I have grown a knack for Microsoft Excel. I can navigate through the software quite efficiently and use various formulas to make certain tasks easier and faster.

I want to spread the beauty of Microsoft Excel to the world. I have seen my friends and many others who fear Excel. I want to clarify that; I don’t know every nook and cranny the software (I don’t even know if it is possible to know) has to offer but I know a few which have helped me to alleviate some complexities of my academic and work life.

The functionalities of excel can be really fun and can be used to streamline daily activities. So, I am here to help people find that rhythm.

My Principle

My principle is deeply embedded into very human nature. I believe that, we human beings, are innately gullible and fallible and to be able to survive we need to learn to mask that and adapt to our surrounding adversities. And to do that, we need to be rational and practical. This is the hardest part.

Being emotional, we speak or do things that do not go with our tag of being the greatest or most intelligent creation.

So, to be rational and mask our very gullible and fallible nature, we need to think and act based on research and data. The power of data and information is insurmountable.

And to work with data, Microsoft Excel is a great tool. That’s why I am involved in this project.

My motive to be with ExcelSpy.com

My motive for this project is to induce affection and reverence for data and research in people so that all of us can mask our very faulty human nature. However, everything has consequences, there is always another end of the spectrum.

As Spiderman said, with great power comes great responsibility, data with its insurmountable power may sometimes illude us into unnatural or unethical behavior. That is also adversity we need to tackle.

I want this community to be a platform where people share knowledge, act on research and data, and most importantly, be the rational man they are meant to be.

Let Microsoft Excel be the start to your delving into data, research, and rationality.

ExcelSpy is a project run and owned by SOFTEKO.