How to Calculate Sum of Squares in Excel?

We have been extensively writing about the use of excel in data analysis. Our articles show how Excel can be used to analyze data in a very efficient way and how excel is a very useful tool in identifying the smallest of details.

However, people sometimes, in oversight, overlook the fact that excel is also a very good mathematical tool. There are several functions and features in Excel that lets you graph equations and solve mathematical problems as well using the SUM formula, PRODUCT formula, working with matrices, etc.

Today we are going to learn another mathematical feature in excel that is summing squares.

So, let’s see how to calculate the sum of squares in excel.

What is the sum of squares?

In a previous blog, we learned how to square a number. Today we are going to learn how to sum those squares.

Simply, a square is raised to the power of 2 which means a number has to multiply itself two times.

For example, 52 is 25. Here the exponent is 2, so it indicates that 5 needs to be multiplied by itself 2 times.

Now, let’s say, we have to sum 32 and 52. So, 32 is 9, and 52 is 25, their sum is 34. That is how you sum squares.

So, let’s see how to calculate the sum of squares in excel.

How to calculate the sum of squares in excel?

The Sum of squares is widely used in various mathematical problems. There are algebraic equations and formulas that use the sum of squares. For example:

(a+b) ² = a² + b² +2ab

(a+b+c) ² = a² + b² + c² +2(ab + bc + ca)

These equations require sum of squares.

There are a few ways to do the sum of squares in excel, but we are going to learn two simple methods of how to calculate the sum of squares in excel.

Method#1 Squaring numbers using the caret (^) operator and then summing them.

First, let’s look at the numbers.


Here we have three sets of numbers in 3 columns a, b and c. We need to calculate a² + b² + c².

To do that type the following formula:






If you press enter you will see that excel summed the squares of those numbers.

Method#2 Calculating sum of squares using the SUMSQ function

There is a dedicated function for summing squares in excel called the SUMSQ function. So, let’s see how to calculate the sum of squares in excel using the SUMSQ function.

To do that type the following formula:



It is as simple as that; just put the array of numbers you want to sum the squares of and excel will do that.

Press enter and you will see that excel summed the squares of those numbers.

So, there you go now you know how to calculate the sum of squares in excel.


The SUMSQ function is an amazing example of how excel is a great mathematical tool as well.

As now you know how to calculate the sum of squares in excel you can solve your math problems faster and efficiently.

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